Taconic Rehab & Nursing at Beacon Appoints Eileen Montalvo as Administrator
Contact: Dawn Harsch, director of marketing, news@mvgservices.com
Date: August 8, 2024
Taconic Rehab & Nursing at Beacon Appoints Eileen Montalvo as Administrator
BEACON, NY – Eileen Montalvo, LNHA, has been appointed as the administrator at Taconic Rehabilitation & Nursing at Beacon, one of three skilled nursing and rehab facilities in the Taconic Health Care portfolio. It is part of an enterprise that is jointly branded as Living Legends and includes the McGuire Group, RCA Healthcare Management/Absolut Care and VestraCare; together, providing high quality care to more the 2,800 individuals across New York State.
In this capacity, Montalvo is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operation of the 120-bed facility, ensuring regulatory compliance, implementing innovative best practices, overseeing staffing initiatives and orchestrating community engagement.
Montalvo is a graduate of Capella University and obtained an advanced certificate to become a nursing home administrator from Utica University. She is a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success.
She began her career as a certified nursing assistant and is of the belief that small acts of kindness can change the culture and environment in even in the most challenging of situations.
Taconic Rehabilitation & Nursing at Beacon provides skilled nursing care, subacute rehabilitation and respite/short-term care. To learn more visit: www.livinglegendshealth.com.