Our Absolut Care and The McGuire Group facilities will accept sharps from community residences for disposal as regulated medical waste.
1) All sharps brought to the facility must be in a container that is shatterproof, leakproof and puncture-resistant.
2) Sharps may be brought to the facility between the hours of 9 am and 10 am on Wednesdays only.
3) As a person comes to the facility bringing sharps, the Director of Environmental Services is called by the Receptionist. The Director of Environmental Services arranges to have the individual bring the sharps container to the service entrance.
4) The staff member dons gloves and receives the sharps container. this is done after verifying that the container is shatterproof, leakproof and puncture-resistant. The container will not be received by the facility if it does not meet the above-listed criteria.
5) The sharps container is immediately placed in the approved regulated medical waste transport container, labeled biohazard.